Hi! My name is Mel and you've found my little corner of the internet I've created to document my love of gaming, specifically games for handheld consoles through the 2000s. I really cherish this era of gaming which was so important to me growing up. Now that I'm an adult I've been able to collect more games for these consoles, including some Japanese ones. I think a lot of these games are not widely known, despite how charming I find them, so I hope that by sharing them here they can get the love they deserve!
This website is still heavily under construction, so please excuse the mess!

8.31.2022 - I've added a bit more to every page of the site, except for scans because the scans I attempted need some more cleanup T__T But at least there's a bit more to read now hahah.
8.29.2022 - I got the site up and running. Now to fill it with stuff! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ